
Nature is where we come from and where we will ultimately return. The Medusa Series deals with decay, decrepitude, and entombment. The series is a meditation on time, materiality, and change—the contrast between the hardness and permanence of stone and the soft, vulnerable, impermanence of flesh; the decay of the flesh and its’ eventual transformation to earth and other natural matter. Floating or falling through space, the Medusa figures may be seen as a metaphor for the passage of time and its effects. They are a visible reminder of how patterns in the body can become set and of the quiescence that ensues. They also represent the comfort, and the beauty, of being seemingly fixed forever in time, or changing at a rate so slow as to be imperceptible. Although the Medusa figures symbolize the cycles of time, they can also be seen as a metaphor for looking at art and being frozen in the transcendent aesthetic experience.